How Can I Learn CPR Online?
You can now learn CPR quickly and easily through an online course. You can certify in CPR using your computer or mobile device. Online CPR classes cover the same material as a classroom-based course. Studies show that online learning is actually better than video-based classroom training. If your employer or school requires a hands-on demonstration, we can also send you a manikin to practice and demonstrate your skills.
Are Online Classes Accepted?
Absolutely! All 50 states have accepted online CPR certifications. Hospitals, schools, and the US Military have accepted our certifications. Employers of all size, including Fortune 500 companies have also accepted AEDCPR certifications. We back our certifications with a 100% money-back acceptance guarantee. There is absolutely no risk.
Benefits of learning CPR Online
Online classes are the best way to learn CPR. There are many benefits. Here are a few of them.
A traditional CPR class is 5-9 hours long and sometimes takes 2 days to complete. You can learn CPR online in a fraction of the time. There is no need to travel to a training center. Also, there is no need to schedule the class in advance. The online class can be completed in the convenience of your own home, office or any location you choose. You can also take the class at your convenience, anytime you like.
Learn at your own pace
Our online classes allow you to learn at your own pace. Classroom-based CPR courses use videos to present material. If you miss something or need and explanation, you must wait until the end of the video to ask the instructor. Most course material is sequential. In other words, you must understand part 1 in order to learn part 2. This is why online learning is superior to classroom-based instruction. You can learn part 1 and move to part 2 when you’re ready. You can also go back to any part of the class if questions come up later in the course.
Review material anytime
You can return to aedcpr.com anytime you like to review class materials. You can review the complete course or a single section. In addition, you can start, stop and skip around anytime you like. You can also return to the class months or years later and review material if you like. In addition to reviewing class materials, you can view updates and changes to course materials.
Updates without retaking the entire class
We post all CPR updates to our website. You will be notified anytime there is an update. To view the update, simply visit aedcpr.com. You can also view just the update or the entire course anytime you like. You can start, stop, and skip around the class material. We will notify you of all course updates, unless you opt out of our notification service.
Renew in minutes
With an online CPR class, you can renew your certification in minutes. Unlike a classroom-based class which takes hours of your day. Typical classroom based CPR renewals must be scheduled well in advance.
Online CPR Training vs Classroom Training – Which is better?
Online classes are actually superior to in classroom instruction. We did a study that illustrated how online instruction is better than classroom instruction. Since online classes move at your own pace, students are more likely to review material until they have a clear understanding. In classroom-based instruction, students are more likely to hold questions until the end. Similarly, during video-based instruction, students are less likely to ask questions. Teachers and instructors agree, it’s better to fully understand the topic you are learning before moving on to the next topic. Online training is the best way to learn CPR.

Who started teaching CPR Online?
The American AED CPR Association, better known as AEDCPR, developed the first online based CPR class for a New York Uninversity in 1998. Then in 1999, that class became available to the general public. Classes have evolved from simple text and images, to the interactive media rich classes we have today. AEDCPR has stayed on the cutting edge of online education.
Is a live demonstration required?
A live demonstration is not required for certification. However, your school or employer may request a skills demonstration. If you are in need of a demonstration of skills, a CPR manikin can be sent to you.
Are Online CPR all the same?
Not all providers are the same. The American AED CPR Association provides both online and classroom based instruction. Our online courses cover the exact same material as our classroom based courses, which is why our classes have the highest acceptance rate of any provider. All of our courses are written by American Heart Intstructor Trainers, doctors and paramedics. Other online providers offer short classes with less information and don’t cover the same material. Even worse, some onlne CPR classes are just a scam. They have no credentials, no experience and offer fake certifications. Beware of fake CPR websites.
Can I learn CPR for free?
Yes, you can take any of our online courses for free. Our goal is to save lives. We want to train as many people as possible to be ready to give life-saving aid. To take any of our classes for free, go to www.aedcpr.com/free-classes/. A credit card is not required. If you need a card or certification for your job or school you have the option to purchase one. However, to learn CPR or First Aid you do not need to purchase anything.
How does it work?
There are two ways to learn CPR Online. You can either take the class for free, or purchase the course. The course material is exactly the same, but there are some minor differences. CPR classes are arranged in chapters. For example, the chapters in a CPR/AED class are Introduction, Adult, Child, Infant, AED and Choking. You can take the test at anytime. The test contains 25 questions. Both online and classroom based courses use the same test.
Take for free
You can take the class and test for free. Then you can purchase the certificate and card if you like. For example, to take the CPR/AED class for free, go to www.aedcpr.com/cpr-aed-certification-training/. Review the material on the first page. Click “Next” to continue to the scond page. Material may contain text, images or video. Review each page and click “Next” at the bottom. You can also choose to go back a page. In addition, you can go to any chapter at the click of a button. Only the video demonstrations require sound. After reviewing the class material, click the “Take Test” button or the “Take Test Now” link. You can take the test from any of the course pages.
The test is 25 multiple choice questions. Read the question and click the best answer. You can see if your answer was correct on the next page. If your answer was correct you will be prompted to go to the next question. If your answer was incorrect you will also see the option to return to the previous question and update your answer. Don’t worry if you don’t pass the test. You can simply go back and update any questions you missed. You may also reset the test and start over. In addition, you have the option of reviewing class material before updating your answers.
After completing the test you will have the option to purchase a certification card. If you choose to purchase the certification, simply follow the prompts. After completing your purchase, you must confirm how your name should appear on your official card. You can print your card as soon as you confirm your name. We will also mail an official CPR card, with an instructor’s signature, the next business day.
Pay before taking class
There are several benfits to paying before taking the class. This is also easier if you are buying a class for someone else or if you are purchasing for a group. Simply choose your class, add it to your cart and complete your purchase. Then follow the prompts to confirm your name and register the class. Click on the “Take Class” button to begin the class. The class material is exactly the same if you take it for free as well as in a classroom. After reviewing the class material, click the “Take Test” button.
The test is the same 25 multiple choice questions. When you choose your answers, you will still be told if your answer was correct. If incorrect, you have the option of correcting your answer. However, the next question will appear automatically. After the last question, your test will be graded. You can correct any missed questions if you did not pass. You can print your card and certificate if you passed the test. We will also mail your CPR card, with an instructor’s signature, the next business day.
You may return to the web site and review the test anytime you like. You can also view your answers from the test. This is helpful if reviewing with an instructor.
Blended Classes
A blended course combines an online class with a skills demonstration. Some employers and schools require a skills demonstration for professional level certifications. If your school or employer requires a demonstration, you can take a blended course. In a blened course, the class material and test is first completed online. A skills demonstration or skills test is next. The easiest way to test your skills is to have us send you a maniken. You can use our interactive app or video chat with an instructor. You can also schedule a skills check with an instructor.
Can I train my staff?
Absolutely! We specialize in group/corporate training. Our group training program is intuative and user friendly. Our clients include hospitals, schools, fortune 500 companies and government offices.
Group discounts
We offer discounts for groups of five or more. We offer flexible payment options. Payment terms are available. You can purchase classes in bulk or one at a time.
Manage certifications
You can manage certifications though the admin panel. It’s easy to see who has completed the class and who has not. Reminders can be sent to staff members who are due to renew. You can print cards as needed. Also, you can download a copy at any time.
Is Online CPR for everyone?
Online classes are the way of the future. However, they are not for everyone. Most people will learn better with an online class. The best way to find out if online learning is for you is to try it.