CPR/AED/First-Aid | Seizures
What Is A Seizure?
A Seizure is abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Most seizures stop after a few minutes and are caused by a medical condition called epilepsy. Seizures can also occur as a result of other conditions such as low blood sugar, heat-related injury, head injury poisoning or sudden cardiac arrest.

Signs of a Seizure:
- ● Loss of muscle control
- ● Jerky movement of the arms, legs, and other parts of the body
- ● Falling to the ground
However, there are less common signs. Sometimes, a person having a seizure may become unresponsive and have a glassy-eyed stare.
During a seizure, the person may bite their tongue or the inside of their cheek. You can give first aid for that injury after the seizure has stopped. After it has stopped, it is not uncommon for the person to be confused and slow to respond, or even fall asleep.
During a seizure, the person may bite their tongue or the inside of their cheek. You can give first aid for that injury after the seizure has stopped. After it has stopped, it is not uncommon for the person to be confused and slow to respond, or even fall asleep.
The most important step to take when helping someone who is having a seizure, is to protect them from injury.

Use the following steps to help prevent injury to a person who is having a seizure.
- ● Move furniture or other objects safely out of the way
- ● Place a small pad, pillow, or towel under the person’s head
- ● Call 9-1-1 or activate EMS
- ● Get a First Aid kit
Use the following steps to help someone who has just had a seizure:
- ● Check to see if the person is breathing and is responsive
- ● Stay with them until someone with more advanced training can arrive and take over
- ● If they are having trouble breathing because of vomit or fluids in their mouth, roll the person onto their side
- ● If they are not breathing normally or are unresponsive, give CPR
- ● Provide First Aid for injuries caused by the seizure
Instructor: Mike Figuero
Publish Date: 2023-04-02
Last Updated: 2023-07-18