AEDCPR - Online CPR/AED/First-AidTraining Class
AEDCPR - Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Certification
Online CPR/AED/First-Aid training course progress

Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Class

This section covers:

Adult CPR, AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and Choking

The Chain of Survival for Sudden Cardiac Arrest is Activate EMS, Immediate CPR, Quick Defibrillation and Early Advanced Cardiac Care

Definition/ Purpose of CPR

CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation is provided to victims who are in Cardiac Arrest. Rescue Breathing provides oxygen to the bloodstream of a victim who is unable to adequately breathe. Chest compressions circulate the oxygen-rich blood throughout the victim’s body when their heart is unable to pump blood. The purpose of CPR is to provide an oxygen-rich supply of blood to the major organs, to buy time until Defibrillation and Advanced Care can be administered.

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2 Year Certification - Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Training Class - Heart Attacks