AEDCPR - Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Certification Class
AEDCPR - Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Certification
CPR/AED/First-Aid Certification Card
CPR/AED/First-Aid Certificate

Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Class


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First Aid Basics

Covers basic first aid concepts, responsibilities of first responders, scene safety, universal precautions and EMS.

Medical Emergencies

Respiratory, choking, asthma, allergies, use of Epi-pen, heart attack, diabetes and fainting.

Injury Emergencies

External bleeding, internal bleeding, wounds, head/neck/spinal trauma, burns and electrical injuries.

Environmental Emergencies

Animal bites, insect stings, snake bites, heat emergencies, cold emergencies, frostbite, poisoning.

Roles and Responsibilities of First Aid Rescuers

Some jobs may require you to perform first aid while you are working. For example, law enforcement officers, firefighters, lifeguards, flight attendants and more all have a duty to perform first aid should the need arise while they are on duty. If they are off duty, they may choose whether or not to provide first aid.

As a first responder, you may learn private information about the person you are helping. It is important that you respect the privacy of the ill or injured person, and only share this information with the emergency responders when they take over.

Good Samaritan Laws

Sometimes giving first aid results in unintended consequences, First aid providers in all 50 states are protected by Good Samaritan laws. They may differ depending on what state or jurisdiction you are in, so be sure to read up on the laws in your area.

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2 Year Certification - Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Course